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Monday, August 1, 2011

apologies, sort of

a denver home companion, at least for a little bit, might as well be renamed something along the lines of "all about ramona" or some variation thereof. for that is all i have to talk about.

yes, for the moment or season or whathaveyou, i have turned into that woman who has nothing else going on except for her baby.

and i think that's just the way it should be.


  1. I'm trying so hard to write about something besides Hen, but... I've got nothing.

  2. love to read about your sweet babe! and I agree, this is just how it should be...she will only be this little once and you are a great mama to be totally engrossed!


we'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback! be honest but also, and as your mother taught you, be kind.