my friend nicole puts together the most beautiful events. see glimpses of her wedding
here and the beautiful tablescapes she sets up
so i was so flattered and excited when she offered to throw me a baby shower. i knew she was good (i've told her to quit her day job and do this full-time) but i had no idea how amazing and special she would make this event for me. see for yourself:
table filled with snacks and drinks.
look at those great paper mobiles!

my first macaron! so yummy. i had to stop myself from eating them all.
goodie bags filled with salt water taffy!
wishes for the baby (sealed up in an envelope for little bean's birthday).
if you live in the denver area and are looking for an event planner, lemme know. i'll get you in touch with nicole!
Wow, everything looks perfect! I may have to borrow the rainbow fruit clever.