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Sunday, February 15, 2009

we've had a few decently warm days over the last week or so here. decently warm meaning at least slightly above freezing. this has been good for our spirits, but apparently the change has not been immediately good for my health. i've been having a bit of a rough time getting over this cold i came down with earlier this week. i'm decidedly not thrilled about work tomorrow. i am, however, thankful that i am able to work tomorrow.

aside from being under the weather, this weekend was quite enjoyable with emily's parents in town. the highlight of which, for me at least, was introducing emily's dad to sushi at toro, our favorite sushi joint in chicago. sushi can be a bit of an adventure your first few times. i think that thrill is part of why i enjoy it so much. dave was on board well for just about everything. mitch (the sushi chef/owner of toro) started dave off with a platter of salmon, ahi, fatty white, yellow tail, and talapia sashimi. dave tried it all, without hesitation. we started him out with the scary stuff, and then moved to some rolls a bit easier for a sushi novice to enjoy. it may not have been his favorite meal, but we certainly enjoyed sharing a favorite spot of ours with dave and marcie (though, this isn't the first time we'd been there with em's mother). also, emily and i were pretty excited at trying every fish on the menu in one sitting. the tako and uni, while not generally my favorites, were very nice.

we like food. a lot. we have fond memories of fabulous meals. it was good to add one to the list this weekend.

now, i'm going to take more vitamin c and sleep for a while.

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